The Simple Hydraulic Calculator has many features to help you properly design an automatic sprinkler system: Hazen-Williams friction loss formula as per NFPA 13 Supply and Demand Calculations Multiple water sources supported Multiple booster pumps supported Multiple backflow preventers / fixed loss valves supported Suitable for wet, dry, pre-action, deluge, and water-foam systems Velocity pressures or total pressures Model tree, grid, loop, and custom systems Hardy-Cross method of analysis (in use for over three years) Optional Newton-Raphson method of analysis (currently in beta) Metric or U.
S. units and conversion Supports over 32,000 pipes Supports over 32,000 nodes Use descriptive pipe and node names up to eight characters long Automatic peaking of grid, tree, and looped systems Automatic fitting equivalent length adjustment Editable pipe materials database Negative pressures allowed Negative elevations allowed Old school data entry (faster for many than dialog based data entry).
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